The Need for Adventure Coaching

Most of us have had times like this–when more than one large area of our lives wasn’t working and no matter how hard you try, no matter how fast you work, you can’t advance on more than one front. When you start to breakthrough in one life area, something else blows up.

I’ve also had times when I felt disconnected from all of it. I wasn’t depressed, I just couldn’t find my mojo. Life felt flat, repetitive, and even when I got some of what I thought I wanted it felt like too little too late.

The answer is…

The problem is always deeper than where you see the symptoms. In order to restore life to a dry field you need to walk upstream to find the place where the water was dammed or diverted.

Of course we know this. We would probably already would have walked upstream except it means going into the dark woods. And if you’re seeing symptoms in more than one area of your life, you’re going to need to go deep into the woods, to a place so close to the source that those two streams were one.

So the real problem is our fear of facing things that are preventing us from having life where we are now. If that sounds like I’m recommending counseling I’m not. Depression can certainly rise to that level, but most of us are simply failing to thrive.

Jesus said he came that we may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10b). If you’ve looked around and thought, this is NOT what a full life should look like, then you know what I’m talking about.

As a trained life purpose and business coach I’ve gained some tools to help people who need to breakthrough in the field where they are. Romans 8:28 says that God can redeem all our situations, past and present, to our good. That means God is able to shift our perspective, renew our minds, and let us move forward without the negative effects of our past injuries. We can come out of agreement with our past wounds and have more life now. Sometimes that gives us the courage to invite God into the broken places that come up as we struggle to get different results than we’ve been getting.

If the real problem is facing fear, the real answer getting help. Coaching is a great framework for reframing your current situation, your real desires and dreams. See we feel disconnected with our hearts because we believe God isn’t coming through for us. We’d never say it aloud, but we can operate from that reality without acknowledging it.

The truth is you’re not on your own. You’re not abandoned. God does care about you AND the desires of your heart. Don’t cover your heart in scar tissue to avoid feeling let down by God because He’s not letting you down.

What if God can’t hand you what you want until you grow enough to receive it. What if facing a wound and letting Him heal it will build you into someone who can inherit what you desire. All good things come from the Father of Light. He gave you His son–He’s not holding out on you.

If you are stuck, you need breakthrough. It doesn’t require years of therapy, it just takes a journey. Whenever we try to get results in an area where we’ve been stuck a deeper challenge will surface. It could be resistance, like falling asleep, or it could be confusion or stress. But whatever it looks like in your life, in some odd way you’ll be sabotaged in your efforts to get better results than you’ve had in the past.

The answer is to try again, but this time take a guide.
  • I offer coaching to help folks who are stuck, get unstuck.
  • I offer coaching to help you get clear on where you are, where you want to go, and how you’d like to get there.
  • I offer coaching to help you proceed toward your goals and not give up.

Contact me for a free half-hour clarity call, today, and lets see get you moving toward your goals.

Schedule a Free Consult Today!

Entrepreneur Coaching

You were wonderfully and fearfully made. You have a purpose, a unique design and a destiny to fulfill.

I believe for every problem in the world there is a Kingdom Entrepreneur with a solution for it.

Pedro Adao

If you have a business it exists to solve problems for people. You are uniquely qualified to solve problems for a certain group of people, and you are uniquely qualified to solve a certain type of problem. This is your inheritance because you were designed before the world was made.

What if the circumstances you’re in aren’t there to punish you, but instead you were sent as God’s answer to your circumstances?

Discovering your unique value comes when you discover your authentic design. To do that you’ll need to reconnect with your heart and God’s vision for your life. Adventure Coaching, as described above, is where we do that.

Once you’ve discovered your Authentic Adventure you will need to be able to articulate your purpose to others. You may start with a purpose statement that reminds you of what God is up to, but you’ll also have to craft a mission statement that tells others what your do and for who. I can help with that.

I specialize in helping Christian Entrepreneurs reconnect with their hearts, discover God’s vision for their lives, craft a purpose statement, a mission statement, and their message (which is usually what your discover in the process of getting unstuck).

So as a writer, I help you bring your unique value to market, but as a coach I help you discover and articulate your value.

What Coaching is & is not:

Starting with what it is not. A coach won’t do it for you. In fact he can’t even give you all the right answers. The best coaches will ask you questions that force you to come up with the right answers for you. You can’t discover your unique value, message, mission, etc. if someone tells you what to do.

There is a place for someone to just give you answers. That’s called consulting, and I do some of that in my book business. The key difference there is that I’ve been writing and publishing books for 20 years. I haven’t been getting you unstuck for 20 years. You should pay me for answers to BOOK questions–you should not pay me for answers to YOU questions.

Value of having a Coach:

People are drowning in information these days, the overwhelming majority of folks who buy a book or training course don’t make use of it. 

Having a coach makes all the difference, because… 

  • When you set a deadline for something, having an appointment with someone else about it makes it real.
  • Sewing money into yourself and this project creates commitment to this course of action and I can help you stay focused on the prize
  • You already invested in 100X, coaching helps you maximise that investment. There are a lot of resources in 100X and since I’ve been doing this for two years and had advanced training you can get time with me instead of waiting for a hot seat. 

+Life Adventure Assessment 

Contact me today for Entrepreneur Coaching, I give everyone a free half-hour clarity call.

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